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RevOps Consulting & Fractional Management Case Studies

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Founder of new startup, Resistance Electrical, was quiting his full-time job to open a new construction business. He need to show a profit in 6 months or less without taking out any loans in order to continue paying his bills without delinquencies.

I spearheaded a comprehensive business consulting and strategic planning project for a start-up electrical services company. From branding and marketing to strategic planning and operational guidance, I orchestrated the client's journey from a part-time gig to a full-time venture, doubling his annual earnings within a year, turning the owner from a novice entrepreneur to a local business sensation.

·Developed and delivered a rigorous training program covering business structure, pricing models, contracts, business networking and growth strategies, customer service and more, setting a new benchmark in founder skill-building.

·Dreamed up a killer logo, pun-tastic taglines, brand kit and humorous brand voice that didn't just catch eyes, it captured hearts, created buzz and ensured instant brand awareness.

·Constructed a basic, yet SEO-savvy, website that didn't just attract traffic but converted it.

·Achieved key milestone: Enabled the founder to quit his part-time job within 6 months and doubled his annual take-home pay within one year, compared to his previous employment.

Achieved key milestone: With exponential business growth, in year 2, we more than doubled the size and revenue of the company by opening general contracting and plumbing divisions showing immediate profits in Q1.

I Solve Business Problems.

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I Solve Business Problems. How Can I Help You Today?



Small retail outlet wanted to move to a larger location but didn't have enough inventory nor funds to expand into the full space right away.


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Created a sub-let program with local artists to help fill the space with new and interesting products that supported the local economy, allowed the retail outlet to take advantage of the larger space with minimal capital output, and ensured customers came back every month to see the offerings of new featured artists.

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Project Team Members in Australia were complaining that entering data for projects was confusing and time consuming.

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Worked with software firm to redesign project data entry screens to be organized by user role and hidden unless the user role matches the role based data screen.

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Japanese beverage manufacturer, Asahi Group Holdings acquired multiple smaller beverage companies in Australia and New Zealand. They needed to standardize product development processes and data collection and analysis across business units to facilitate informed and strategic business decisions.

Authored transformative business strategies for a myriad of enterprise client portfolios, revitalizing stagnant companies and providing a robust roadmap for ERP development, migration, and implementation, Asahi being one of many. Despite the vast geographical distances and varying time zones, I successfully coordinated a unified portfolio and project management solution that met the unique demands of five disparate business units allowing each business unit custom workflows that met their needs while identifying and standardizing critical business data to allow for that data to be compiled and analyzed across all business units to facilitate strategic business decisions.

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Newly-established title agencies (“Companies”) needed robust training programs, compliance protocols, and a work environment designed to excel in customer service, all while adhering to stringent state, local, and underwriter regulations in order to obtain underwriting support and contracts.

Joined the companies at their inception to serve as an end-to-end consultant for setting up operations and compliance protocols. Key contributions included:

·Strategic Guidance: Collaborated with founders to draft business plans, select optimal software vendors, and customize technology solutions tailored to each agency's unique needs.

·Operational Excellence: Devised and documented processes from the initiation of title orders through to real estate settlement and post-closing activities. Conducted comprehensive training sessions for staff to ensure proficiency and compliance.

·Regulatory Compliance: Instituted a multi-layered review system for all transactions, ensuring complete adherence to state, local, and underwriter regulations.

·Stakeholder Consultations: Acted as the point of contact and problem solver for a diverse stakeholder group, including real estate agents, lenders, attorneys, and underwriters, especially for intricate transactional issues.

Management Oversight: Provided both remote and on-site managerial support until all stakeholders were fully trained and operational. Continuously offered additional consultations and support as needed.

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Customer Service Department was struggling to keep up with support tickets and didn't have the budget to increase staff.

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Implemented a SaaS ticketing system with ticket templates, automations, SLA compliance, canned responses, and linked knowledge base to increase efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction by over 100%.

Who Doesn't Need a Super Hero or At Least a Skilled Dork on Speed Dial?



Software as a service firm was seeing a high level of support tickets due to mistakes in software settings made by internal technicians.

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I provided project management services to create an automated process to ensure all settings were properly configured in new software deployments. This automated process shaved 20 minutes off of every upgrade and installation as well as eliminated all related support tickets and the troubleshooting time necessary to identify the problem.



European manufacturer, Akzo Nobel, wanted better data analytics to enable faster project management and decision making.

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Using their software tools, I provided professional consulting services to develop system administration services to maintain data driven assessment metrics to measure internal productivity and output to assist with ongoing project management and portfolio management.




Brickhouse Consulting wanted to launch a new training program but wasn't sure how to price it.

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Met with owner to gain an understanding of the course offering and target market, helped her create a competitive market analysis, and explored various pricing options to help her decide on a final pricing structure.

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Development team failed to institute proper agile project management and after 5 years of nearly full-time development work, still had not delivered a final product.


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Took up the role of project manager and started by reviewing the existing backlog. Next I created reporting and dashboards to enable planning, visualize status and communicate progress to the team and stakeholders. After prioritizing the backlog, I held weekly sprint planning meetings, and provided regular updates to stakeholders. Within a year, we finalized the feature and released the first version to clients.

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International organization, Habuluch, was struggling to complete RFP and RFI requests in a timely manner.

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·Formalized RFP response process by creating searchable knowledge base of common answers and company policies, creating document templates and a standardized procedure for tracking deadlines and providing communications with the prospect. Resulted in 20% increase in winning contracts with 50% lower investment in time and effort.

Who Doesn't Need a Wizard or At Least a Skilled Dork on Speed Dial?



Agency, Double A Abstract was 6 months behind in processing paperwork and closing out files. Customers were complaining about poor service and underwriters were threatening to pull their support and agency contracts.

Led a monumental digital transformation for a cluttered Title Insurance Agency, propelling them from analog chaos to digital zen. Not only did we slash costs and environmental waste, but we also sky-rocketed client and employee satisfaction while more than quadrupling geographic market opportunities. Ultimately morphed the company into a fully remote, "close anywhere" operation serving the entire state of Pennsylvania.

·Conducted a digital exorcism, replacing paper files, and fax machines with sleek, modern hardware and software solutions.

·Spearheaded a new ERP implementation like a maestro, harmonizing all facets of their operation.

·Introduced an eco-friendly scanning policy, dropping their paper use faster than a hot potato.

·Implemented an efax system and a digital voice mailbox, bidding adieu to landlines.

·Unveiled a client portal that became the talk of the town, enhancing transparency, cyber security and client satisfaction.

·Crafted hands-on training sessions that made staff tech-savvy and process-aware.

·Cut down on traditional office expenses, from paper and shipping to paperclips and white-out.

·Boosted employee morale by eliminating tedious and duplicative data entry and achieving workspace nirvana; a tidy desk is a tidy mind, after all.

·Instituted a hybrid work from home policy, striking gold in employee satisfaction and retention.

·In two years, transformed the agency into a fully remote powerhouse, expanding its market reach and resilience.

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Manufacturer's Representative, Barry Page Associates, had sales reps up and down the US East Coast. They were struggling to stay on top of the latest product information and communicate changes with remote sales team.

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Helped the office manager digitize all records going back 2 decades, put processes in place to digitize new paperwork as it came in, created a standardized cloud filing system with a user security model to ensure reps had proper access and document version controls to protect document and data integrity.

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Title Agency was struggling to keep up with demand during busy seasons and couldn't keep staff employed during slow seasons.

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I identified ways to improve efficiency and outsource work to keep full time staff as lean as possible, introduced a paid summer internship program with the high school to help with annual fluctuations, and introduced options of horizontal and vertical integration to diversify income sources.

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Custom software firm servicing a global user base found creating and delivering training materials to client was time consuming, redundant and failed to be passed on to new hires.

Bevel Corner Outlined Masonry Element

Created security gated an online searchable knowledge base that provided self-help, new user training, screenshots and step by step tutorials. Developers linked to the knowledge base within the software to create point of use access.

Who Doesn't Need a Wizard or At Least a Skilled Dork on Speed Dial?



Title Agency staff were overworked but also delaying hiring new people because they were unable to train staff effectively.

Bevel Corner Outlined Masonry Element

Interviewed and shadowed staff to created a 500 page manual on how to do all job roles and procedures including screenshots, step-by-step instructions, checklists, workflows and tutorials.

Advise, Design, Plan, Implement, Train

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Company was looking for more ways to deepen the working relationship they have with clients, better meet client needs for on-going work orders while expanding their revenue.

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Created a subscription pricing model that would allow customers to receive on-going services year-round without the need for the lengthy PO process. For the client this ensured they maintained constant contact with the client to deepen the relationship and provided a more consistent and predictable stream of revenue making resource allocation easier.

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Legal Counsel for an Underwriter felt like he was typing up the same answers for the same situations over and over and wanted a better way.

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Upon further investigation, I determined that not only was that one lawyer doing repetitive work, but that was true for all legal counsel nationwide. I implemented a master knowledge base of scenarios and answers that the legal staff was able to update on the fly. I then automated the incoming requests so the system automatically suggest possible solutions based on keywords.

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Individual with ADHD was struggling to stay on top of work tasks and meet performance expectations.

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Worked with him and his manager to improve communication channels, task organization systems, and create time blocks for meetings and time blocked for focused work. I also worked with him on an individual basis to develop tricks and techniques to help keep him on task and cope with stressors.

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Software app was hearing their customers were disgruntled with how the software worked but weren't getting detailed enough feedback to develop a solution.

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Conducted user forum and my own UI/UX review to identify areas of improvement.

Don't Wait for Someday...

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Company was suffering with high employee turnover and low morale.


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Interviewed employees in confidence to determine sources of discontent, implemented an exit interview process to gather feedback from leaving employees, worked with management to create a safe, healthy, inclusive work environment based on gathering feedback. Changes included flexible work hours, more flexible time off, leadership training, improvements in communication and more. Then put processes in place to encourage continuous improvement.

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Client Support department didn't know how to measure support agent productivity to identify and resolve bottlenecks, create useful training programs, and increase customer satisfaction.

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Using their help desk tools, I provided professional consulting services to develop and system administration services to maintained data driven assessment metrics to measure internal productivity and output to assist with ongoing optimization of their support desk.

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Single tenant SaaS firm had high level of support demand and poor customer satisfaction at "Go Live" installations.

Bevel Corner Outlined Masonry Element

Worked with installation subject matter experts to fully document the installation process, implemented process changes as needed to compensate for common issues, and trained all installation staff on proper procedure. Installation failures and post "Go Live" emergencies dropped to almost zero.

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Title Agent had 4 different lawyers at their underwriter that they could contact for help, but didn't know which ones were working, which ones were the busiest, or which ones had specialized knowledge.


Bevel Corner Outlined Masonry Element

Worked with underwriter to create a centralized intake for all requests for legal counsel. I then put automations in place that would route those requests to the lawyer with specialized knowledge based on keywords, avoid lawyers who were scheduled off, and balance the workload across the team.

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Certified Electrician wanted to quit his day job and open his own company but wasn't sure how to get started.

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I provided monthly coaching sessions and referrals to Quickbooks trainers and legal professionals who could help him get setup. Once he covered the basics, I helped him create a brand, setup social media accounts, create marketing materials, advised on sales techniques and other issues as they arose over time.

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Consulting firm had a gut feeling that they were undercharging on projects but had no hard data to back it up.

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I implemented a time tracking tool and trained the staff in its use. Then configured dashboards and reports in the tool for management to be able to analyze the data and determine the profitability of their projects. It turns out that what they thought was their money maker was actually costing them. They had to revamp their business model.

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